Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trying my Quilt Top

Last evening as I was finishing up working on the quilt. I thought of the top I made from a kit a couple of years ago. I thought it was a king size quilt. I wanted to see if it would fit on the frames. It is just as long as the frames and not quite as wide as the one that is on there now. Cool! This one will take alot longer. I am going to really quilt this one. The pattern is too cool to be covered up with all those little threads.

Halfway done tying the Quilt (read from the bottom up)

This is the picture of what we got done on it over the weekend.
After the quilt top was all put together Jeff and I went to the lumber yard and got the 8ft boards for the frames. Jeff helped me set it up in the garage. It is in the place where Jeff parks his little car. It will be outside for a little while.

I just looked at the last post. That was so long ago. This is the quilt I put up on the closet doors to figure out the pattern.